Another Little Reminder About SLS

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is one of the most concerning ingredients in soap. It’s commonly added to create foam but can be harmful.

Our soap uses naturally lathering ingredients, such as Castor oil, and a little sunflower oil to balance it out with a silky-smooth feel.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is a surfactant helps mix oil and water. You may find it in your bathroom in things like toothpaste, body wash, and shampoo, as well as household cleaning products and industrial soaps.

Researchers from Germany tested 1,600 patients for SLS irritancy and found 42% of the patients tested had an irritant reaction.

It is claimed that it is not harmful when used on your skin only briefly before being washed off.

But why put it on your skin at all?

To be sure that you’re not putting anything nasty on, and hence into you, choose Soap By Sellers.


Can You Eat Soap?


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