More expensive, More wasteful, More irritating. . .3 reasons not to use liquid soap

Some people have asked me why I don’t make liquid soap. There are 3 reasons, and they all go against SOAP BY SELLERS’ core values.

  • Liquid soap has to be contained inside a plastic container. One of the first decisions I made, even before I had rubber stamped my final Batch Four recipe, was to never use any plastic packaging. This limited me to only making bar soaps, which is good, since I regard myself as a purist, and cannot rate liquid soaps among the same class as bar soap.

  • Liquid soap contains added water. It’s a rip off, and I despise companies that go down the path of ripping off customers by diluting their goods in this way. Only the finest ingredients go into my products, and as part of my lengthy study of soap chemistry, and my unique time and temperature sensitive process, I can confidently say that SOAP BY SELLERS soap contains the least amount of water that is scientifically possible for a natural soap.

  • Liquid soap contains more additives than bar soap. I have spent many years finding the best way to make soap with the least number of additives, and even the little things I do add to my soap are 100% natural. As I’ve mentioned in a previous blog, most soaps out there have up to 20 or more added chemicals in them, which undoubtedly enter the body through the skin. When you use SOAP BY SELLERS soap you can be sure that none of that bad stuff is getting in you.

    To recap some of SOAP BY SELLERS core values SOAP BY SELLERS is:





The First Soap


Australian small business Champion